Taos new Mexico


Image via Wikimedia Commons

Daily Destination, Travel

10/4 Destination: Rio Grande Bridge, Taos, New Mexico

4 Oct

Inspiration from the Grateful Dead

There is a road, no simple highway,

Between the dawn and dark of night,

And if you go no one may follow,

That path is for your steps alone.

-From the Grateful Dead song “Ripple

Phil Jackson mentions this verse in his new book Eleven Rings as the quote that got him started on his journey of self-discovery.

0 comments blevine32
4 Oct

25 Reasons Why You MUST Go To Burning Man Once In Your Life

Burning manWe linked to this yesterday and had a few readers share with us that they had never heard of Burning ManIt’s an experience I would like to try once in my life. To think that ideas surfaced at this event pushed companies like Apple and Google is incredibly interesting.

Read more– here

Picture via Wikimedia Commons

0 comments blevine32

Ong Namo -I bow to the subtle divine wisdom.
Guru Dev Namo – I bow to the divine teacher within.


I have no idea why today I sit in front of a computer, but I trust that this is where I am supposed to be. In this moment, we are blessed. Wherever you are, this song can inspire you.

Thank you for visiting Lucid Practice! Thanks for inspiring us with amazing work. Create an amazing day!


4 Oct

Rishikesh, India: Yoga Capital of the World – Keteka


We connected earlier today with a group called Keteka.

Keteka’s mission is to provide thorough and accurate information about the countries and communities in which Peace Corps Volunteers serve, and to make this information accessible to travelers with a desire to interact with natives, engage the local culture and venture off of the beaten path.

As a lot of our readers are people who practice yoga, I think this article on their visit to Rishikesh is very interesting.

My first impression of Rishikesh was “Hippy Heaven.”  Everything and everyone seemed to be so divine and spiritual, and about finding their path and gurus, babas, ashrams, meditation, yoga, reiki, pranayama etc. It was all a bit overwhelming, even for me.  But considering this town was on the shores of the most sacred river in the world, the Ganges, I guess it was to be expected.  I jumped right in, following the crowd and taking advantage of all “Rishi” (as they call it) had to offer.

Take a look at their site and click around. If you are interested in traveling and working in the peace core, you may learn something from their experiences.

Image Via Google Commons

0 comments blevine32
4 Oct

The Power of the Internet and E-Books

If you want to start a website, Pat Flynn has almost everything you need to get started on his website Smart Passive Income

If you have an idea and want to put it out there for the world to see its not that hard these days.

Pat had this to say about the power of the internet:

Imagine that you own a store in your local mall that sells, i don’t know, vitamins. You go to work at 8:30am, check the inventory, lay out new merchandise, and open your doors at 9:00am. The mall closes at 7:00pm, and you stay later to clean and do some paperwork. How many people walked into the store during those 10 hours? How many of those people actually drove to the mall just to buy your vitamins? Probably not too many. The doors were open for 10 hours, but you actually stayed and worked for 14. Probably not your idea of starting your own business.

Now – imagine you have a product. Let’s say, a how-to book you wrote called “The Best and Healthiest Vitamins to Lead a Better Life.” Better yet, it’s an e-book (electronic book) that you wrote on your computer.  You start a website and start to sell your book on it.

How long are your “online store doors” open? 24 hours a day, 365 days a week.

How many people are on the internet and can easily visit your site? Anyone who has a computer. Billions.

How much money did it take to open your store? Just enough to start the website.

Who visits your store? People who want to know about vitamins.

How much paperwork do you have to do? Almost none whatsoever.

How much profit do you make on each book sale? 100%.

Lastly, how much time do you need to be “attending to your store?” Again, almost none.

That was from Pat’s first post back in October of 2008. He had just been laid off. Today, his presence online (with no prior expertise of web design) is massive. I think its important to note that when Pat talks to his consumers, he does it with a humble grace. You can tell that he is enthusiastic about helping others and understanding how to reach people. He enjoys what he does which makes it all the more fun to learn from him. 

0 comments blevine32
4 Oct

10/4 Quote: Carl Jung on Yoga

“Yoga practice would be ineffectual without the concepts on which yoga is based. It combines the bodily and the spiritual in an extraordinarily complete way.”

-Renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung

0 comments blevine32
3 Oct


rent the chicken

If you want to have fresh eggs but have never raised chickens, www.RentTheChicken.com, might be a great place to start.

This is what their website says about their service:

Thought of Raising Backyard Chickens? Every Spring, thousands of chickens are sold at local farm supply stores. Often these chickens die before they are ready to start laying eggs (16-30 weeks). Children quickly realize that chickens are not as fun as the Xbox and parents find out that chickens can not be house broken! The costs quickly start becoming more and more, then chickens are “sent to the farm”. Other people think about chickens but think they don’t have the space, worry about regulations, or just don’t know what they need. Do you build or buy a coop? Do you buy peeps? How do you raise an egg laying hen if you buy a peep? Did someone tell you about a heat lamp? It can all be overwhelming and we take the guess work out of all of the questions by offering a portable coop, the food & supplies, and the egg laying hens!

Rent The Chicken is based out of Pennsylvania and they operate during the warmer months, May until November. You can still try it this season.

0 comments blevine32