Paris-based photographer Adrian Skenderovic displays Hoop Dreams: The Beautiful Ruins of Basketball Courts
Author Archives: blevine32
Fall Movie Guide
This Is How Tomatoes Should Really Taste
Via TreeHugger
There is nothing quite like a real tomato, a tomato as it is meant to be grown and eaten. A tomato should have a fragile skin that is under pressure to contain the juice and seeds within, splitting open easily and explosively. It should almost dissolve as you eat it, filling your mouth with intensely refreshing flavour. You’d think I’m describing a fruit that’s altogether different from the tomatoes you purchase at the grocery store. Those belong in a different category, with pale pink flesh that’s dry, mealy, and dense. Finding one of those in a salad is more disappointing than exciting.
Read more —- here.
Yoga devotees bend over backwards to see Indian guru
Swami Ramdev Ji, who reportedly has an 85 million-strong worldwide following, led a yoga class for nearly 2000 practitioners at the Emirates Arena.
But, although he was pleased by the turnout, the spiritual leader said he was used to larger numbers.
Swami Ji said: “This is a miracle for you but when I practice in India 200,000 people are coming to take part. Here, there is a limitation of space but people are slowly, slowly going crazy for yoga and this is a good sign.”
Swami Ji’s visit to Glasgow continued despite a difficult start after he was detained at Heathrow for eight hours on Friday.
He was given a 24-hour visa and ordered to return to the airport on Saturday before being allowed to continue his journey on Sunday night.
The guru, who has his own television channel in India, is famous for running campaigns protesting against government corruption and for carrying out hunger strikes.
Crowdfunding Is About to Go Bananas
Via Vice:
Although it’s still best known as the go-to cash source for indie bands, Zach Braff, and guys who want to build their own robots, crowdfunding took a big step into the mainstream this week, thanks to a new law that paves the way for entrepreneurs to take their fundraising requests straight to the masses.
The rule, which went into effect on Monday, allows startups to publicly solicit funding from potential investors, ending an 80-year ban that prevented companies from announcing when they were looking to raise money. Until this week, if you wanted money to build your own dating site or underwater done, you had to ask for it privately, in closed door meetings and emails with private investors. But under the new provision—part of the 2012 federal JOBS Act—anyone who needs funding for a business venture will be able to market private share offerings publicly, using social media, websites, newspaper ads, billboards, and whatever other means they have at their disposal.
The idea is to democratize capital, making investment more accessible to more people while also making fundraising easier for startups, which previously had to rely on clubby Silicon Valley connections to raise money.
Read more — here.
BBC: How yoga is helping prisoners stay calm
We don’t normally post from the same source two days in a row (or should say we have not in the past). But…the BBC posted a massive piece last night covering yoga in prisons, and I think it is worthwhile to continue to spread the amazing message of how the practice is transforming lives.
Check it out — here.
Nick, who spent six years in Villa Devoto, has no scientific evidence to offer. But he’s convinced that yoga saved his life.
“If it wasn’t for prison I wouldn’t have got involved in yoga, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I would probably be dead,” he says.
“At one point I actually became grateful for being in prison because I could feel this massive evolution, this change that was happening within me through yoga. So I almost became like a grateful convict, happy to be where I was, paying the time for my crime and rehabilitating myself.”
9/26 Quote: Rumi
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”