Via Gypsy By The Sea
What is Asteya? This post is intended to answer the questions, “What is Asteya?” and “How can I utilize the principles of Asteya in my every day life?” Yoga is an eight limbed path that could help you cultivate more awareness about your personal happiness. As we have talked about in previous posts, Yama, which […]
Madonna Gaulding, author of The Meditation Bible, gives you a beginner’s guide to easy serenity: BENEFITS: Eating slowly and mindfully increases the pleasure you will get from your food. Not only will you taste more, but by eating consciously, you will be more likely to choose to eat healthier foods. TO START: Make yourself a […]
“It’s been almost two years since Patagonia began urging its outdoorsy customers to buy less—to sit out “Cyber Monday” and ask themselves: Do I really need a new fleece jacket or, for that matter, a state-of-the-art, 1,000-fill, dry-clean-only $700 parka and all the carbon burning that comes with it?” In an interesting article Bloomberg Online […]