California Time-Lapse
California dreaming.
Hakuna Matata
What are you going to have for lunch? Easy decision. Unless, you are being treated to a very expensive restaurant in a city you are unlikely to revisit. Then, the decision takes on greater significance and is much harder to make. This is because of what psychologists call “Behavioral Economics.” Behavioral Economics states that human beings […]
Via Amanda Froelich and the Waking Times How many times have you heard ‘meditation is good for you!’, yet you resist the actual act of sitting in silence because the mind is too great a foe to face? You’re not alone if the word ‘meditation’ strikes more fear than chords of peace, but by changing the […]
“Christ’s resurrection is not an event of the past; it contains a vital power which has permeated this world. Where all seems to be dead, signs of the resurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irresistible force. Often it seems that God does not exist: all around us we see persistent injustice, evil, indifference and […]