Duct Tape Surfing from Mark Tipple on Vimeo.
“Singapore is doing a good job. Income taxes are low, incentives to save are high, savings rates are high, and they do their best to attract capital and labor. There is a bit of a backlash now, with some of the problems immigrants are bringing here, but that has happened to all nations at some […]
50 Life Tips and Secrets Ryan Calvert first shared this literature with Brian and Brian shared it with me. Jordan’s 50 Life Tips and Secrets changed my life. I shared it with hundreds of my college friends and friends and family from home too. The result was always overwhelmingly positive and often times “life changing.” I […]
Jason Kottke sees the world clearly and explains his rationale with ease. Craig Mod, writing for the New Yorker, says goodbye to cameras as photography transitions to the use of “networked lenses”. After two and a half years, the GF1 was replaced by the slightly improved Panasonic GX1, which I brought on the six-day Kumano Kodo hike […]
Image via Reddit