9/29 Quote: The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be. ~Shakti Gawain
The Yoga Sutras: 1.1 to 1.4 Exploration of Yoga
Via Carrie Hensley Samadhi Pada (Contemplation) The traditions of yoga were passed down orally from teacher to student. In fact, it is said that Pantanjali (author of the Yoga Sutras) was the first to codify the science of yoga. Students were expected to memorize the correct pronunciation of the sutras before they were able to […]
8/19 Art: L.S. Lowry
Flowers in a Window, L.S. Lowry, 1956
Crowdfunding Is About to Go Bananas
Via Vice: Although it’s still best known as the go-to cash source for indie bands, Zach Braff, and guys who want to build their own robots, crowdfunding took a big step into the mainstream this week, thanks to a new law that paves the way for entrepreneurs to take their fundraising requests straight to the masses. […]