A series of photos of Pope Francis embracing a man with neurofibromatosis (a condition long associated with the ‘Elephant Man’ Joseph Carey Merrick) has captured the imagine of a global audience.
We are all one.
I first discovered yoga over 25 years ago. My discovery was like that of many others in the West who find their way into this world, in that it was defined by my pursuit of the physical postures. I was working out in a gym and wanted to distract myself with a new form of […]
Traveling Chongqing China Backpacking Chongqing China is the experience of a lifetime. Chongqing has a population of twenty nine million people. Think about that for a moment. That’s over 50% more than the population of the metropolitan New York City area. Yet, nine out of ten Americans (including us before Hesh encouraged us to visit) have not heard […]
Such a touching image. Thank you for posting!