Traveling in Ireland : discover the wild Atlantic northwest coast !
Traveling in Ireland : discover the wild Atlantic northwest coast ! from travel VOX on Vimeo.
Lucid Dreaming 101
Lucid Dreaming is the practice of becoming aware in your dreams and learning to control your dreams to a certain extent. To some people lucid dreaming comes very easy and with no effort, but to most people this experience happens very rarely and if it happens most don’t remember their dreams the next day. But […]
Why Travel?
We have touched on this topic a lot on Lucid Practice. In my opinion, this opinion-based judgement never gets old. Tynan, gives his response on “What’s the point of traveling.“ I began really traveling due to panic, which may not have been the best reason to go. I had always thought of myself as the […]
“Waiting” for Superman Trailer
Every morning, in big cities, suburbs and small towns across America, parents send their children off to school with the highest of hopes. But a shocking number of students in the United States attend schools where they have virtually no chance of learning. We all have an opportunity to change this. We can all continue […]