In Honor of BKS Iyengar
Words cannot express how much this man has given to others. Thank you, Mr. Iyengar! Please comment with a notable BKS Iyengar lesson/memory in the comments section as a tribute to BKS.
14 December, 1918 ~ 20 August, 2014.
Words cannot express how much this man has given to others. Thank you, Mr. Iyengar! Please comment with a notable BKS Iyengar lesson/memory in the comments section as a tribute to BKS.
14 December, 1918 ~ 20 August, 2014.
There are arguments against athletes’ practicing yoga. The notion of developing flexibility seems contrary to developing the hard, strong muscles that some sports demand. But Rich Roll wishes he would have started earlier in his athletic career. He has finished high in two ultra-man Hawaiian triathlons well into his 40s. The three phases of a […]
Via Reddit
Yoga and Meditation Music for a Spiritual Practice Yoga and Meditation music can greatly enhance your practice. In my personal practice, I aim to increase my awareness and to decrease the internal chatter within my mind. Yoga and meditation music helps me. Once I can quiet my “monkey mind,” I feel more connected to God […]
Wingsuits are so awesome. Here is a wingsuit stunt from the Nuit de la Glisse film “Imagine, Life spent on the Edge” involving some seriously technical camera work and intense music. Enjoy! Hakuna Matata
Thanks for introducing me to BKS, Tim. I never heard of him. Seems to have impacted many, many lives – including yours!
I looked up his 8 quotes. I liked the one about not giving up even though we will never be perfect.
As always, thank you for the comment 🙂
You’re referring to this one, right? “Do not stop trying just because perfection eludes you.” Interesting quote.
I like these two: “Illuminated emancipation, freedom, unalloyed and untainted bliss await you, but you have to choose to embark on the Inward Journey to discover it.”
“When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world.”
If you’re interested in more of BKS’ philosophy, this interview will shed light: http://www.namarupa.org/magazine/nr03/downloads/NamaRupa_03_02.pdf
Peace & all good….
Hi tim,
Yes, that’s the one!
As to the next one you quoted: I don’t understand what it means. As you know, I like short and simple – which this is NOT! LOL!