8/22 Quote: Elijah from Baltimore City
What is the common thread between Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King? The common thread is the extreme love for people.
Thanksgiving Prayer
Celebrate the Journey, Not the Outcome
We can spend so much time focused on what we can’t control that we get so caught up only in that, and as a result, we feel totally powerless over our life. And while it’s important to be aware of what’s wrong and what we cannot control, our power is not found there. Our power […]
Backpacking Montanita Ecuador – A Lucid Practice Destination Guide
Backpacking Montanita Ecuador : A Travel Guide Montanita Ecuador : How to get there, where to stay, and what to do: For the past six months I had contested the idea of going to Montanita Ecuador. The sun-soaked beach town is known around the world for its surfing and party scenes. Given its reputation for […]