The first single released by a young Robert “Nesta” Marley.
“Judge not, before you judge yourself.”
If you are a parent, help your kids do one thing….Believe. Teach your kids that no matter how big or small they are, they can accomplish anything in this world they want to.
What is the first limb of yoga according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras? Yama is first limb of yoga and it is as important if not more important as the asana (physical postures). “Practice of asanas without the backing of Yama and Niyama is mere acrobatics.” -B.K.S Iyengar The Yamas: Ethical disciplines. The Yamas represent a series […] “I’ve been practicing yoga since I was 18 and teaching since I was 19. In truth, my entire adult life has been shaped and influenced by yoga; by great teachers, practices, conversations, relationships, successes and failures. Now I am 35, and I would rather have my work speak as my credentials. So here you […]