This is the main song heard everywhere in Siem Reap Cambodia for the Khmer New Year. All the kids (and grownups too!) love dancing to this! Enjoy 🙂
Daily Inspiration: Acceptance
“Acceptance, done with any kind of hope, motive, expectation or goal, is not real acceptance – it is rejection in disguise, an attempt to escape the moment. True acceptance is a thrillingly fearless naked plunge into the unknown, a total alignment with all the creative energies of life itself, and an emergence into the vastness […]
Something Old, Something New I thought this piece was great. I use both Google Reader (an RSS or really simple syndication feed) and Instapaper to help navigate my learning.
Nat Geo Wild
Nature’s beauty is truly infinite, and we are blessed to have amazing artists go into the wild to share it with us. Hakuna Matata