Simon Dale Builds Fairy Tale Home for His Family – Total Cost £3,000
Via (designweneed) Simon Dale is a family man in Wales, the western part of Great Britain. His interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness led him to dig out and build his own home—one of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting dwellings you could ever imagine. And it cost him only £3,000, about $4,700 American dollars! […]
Lucid Practice Notes on The 5 People You Meet In Heaven
Lucid Practice Notes on The 5 People You Meet In Heaven While traveling China, I found The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom on a hostel bookshelf. *Side note: Isn’t it funny the books that you find in hostels while traveling? Paz and I had enjoyed Albom’s beautiful short book, Tuesdays with Morrie so I […]
Something Old, Something New
http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2013/06/inside_digg_reader/all/#slideid-140768 I thought this piece was great. I use both Google Reader (an RSS or really simple syndication feed) and Instapaper to help navigate my learning.
11/1 Art: Banksy — “Bronx Zoo”
As a sports fan, I thought it was really cool to hear that Banksy showed up at Yankee Stadium, on October 30th, to make art. His one month tour of New York featured awesome artwork. Check it out — here.