Via John MacArthur at the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC) and TreeHugger.
Kate and I chillin’ in Guatape, Colombia yesterday
Guatapé is located in the outskirts of Medellín, bordering a reservoir created by the Colombian government for a hydro-electric dam, built in the late 1960s. This quaint town is the gathering place for “Las Vegas”, or the small farms of the area. It is also a growing area of recreation for citizens of Medellín, and aims […]
Greatness of Mountains
Beautiful, Heart Warming Veterans Day Story
My dear cousin Bob is a deacon in NY, USA. Here’s a beautiful story Bob shared with me earlier today. Here’s a true story that occurred yesterday: After Mass, the Priest and Deacon usually go to the door of the church and greet those leaving. Yesterday, I was doing that when a family approached. Father, […]
11/12 Destination: Sunset Crater
Sunset Crater from Jenn Vawter on Vimeo.