2 thoughts on “Living the dream at Casa Esperanto Surf School in Las Tunas, Ecuador”
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35 Reasons Elon Musk has been an interesting story in 2013
We have talked a lot about Elon, TESLA, Solar City and more here on this blog. Check out the 35 reasons why Business Insider thinks he has been a great story — Here. Image via Forbes
Short Video on How Social Media Can Be Very Harmful
The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.
Retiring at 30?
http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/meet-mr-money-mustache-the-man-who-retired-at-30/2013/04/26/71e3e6a8-acf3-11e2-a8b9-2a63d75b5459_story.html?hpid=z1 To hundreds of thousands of devotees, he is Mister Money Mustache. And he is here to tell you that early retirement doesn’t only happen to Powerball winners and those who luck into a big inheritance. He and his wife retired from middle-income jobs before they had their son. Exasperated, as he puts it, by “a […]
The impossible is often the untried. ~ Jim Goodwin
~ Jim Goodwin
Where is the wave
Waves die down around 10am…think thats about when this picture was taken….strong from 6am-9:30ish and pick back up around 2:30 pm. Waves have been pretty incredible.
Some better pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/CasaEsperantoLasTunasEcuador