Victory Over the Darkness of Suffering
This song changed my life. It continues to change my life. Practicing life to this song, happiness flows through me. My analysis or thoughts cannot do Baba Hanuman justice. Here is how Krishna Das wanted these powerful words to be translated: Baba Hanuman Namo… Namo…Anjaninandanaaya I bow, I bow again and again to Anjani’s son, Hanuman […]
If you want to have fresh eggs but have never raised chickens, www.RentTheChicken.com, might be a great place to start. This is what their website says about their service: Thought of Raising Backyard Chickens? Every Spring, thousands of chickens are sold at local farm supply stores. Often these chickens die before they are ready to […]
My Time at Lehman
http://nickchirls.com/my-time-at-lehman Interesting Quotes: “What I discovered, quite starkly, is that the part of Wall Street that I worked in was simply transferring wealth from the less sophisticated investors, often teachers’ pension funds and factory workers’ retirement accounts, to the more sophisticated investors that call themselves proprietary trading desks and hedge funds. Of course, the traders […]
“Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.”
Photograph by Danielle Lussier