13 Mar
“Pick Up the Pieces” – Average White Band
Some jazzy funk. Enjoy!
Hakuna Matata
A few people questioned the reasoning behind why I posted about Kanye West in the past. Most judge his behavior. Kanye is an artist. An artists job is to force you to have an opinion. With that, he continues to push the envelope in many facets of the world. I love that he brings a message […]
Jordan Bates does a really nice job for HE explaining Nietzsche’s “Overman” or “Superman” Theory: “Overman” refers to Nietzsche’s conception of a man who has literally overcome himself and human nature. In essence, an Overman is one who has superseded the bondage of the human condition and reached a liberated state — one of free play and creativity. […]
Every time I hear this song, I think of Hustle Man (Tracy Morgan). Still funny after all these years! http://t.co/K8byMU8yJY