Do Charter Schools Work?
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/the_dismal_science/2013/05/do_charter_schools_work_a_new_study_of_boston_schools_says_yes.single.html Yes, but not always for everyone. “The upshot of this improvement in college readiness is that, upon graduation, while charter and public school students are just as likely to go on to post-secondary education, charter students enroll at four-year colleges at much higher rates. A four-year college degree has historically meant a better job with […]
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
~ The Dalai Lama
The Real Reason to Tie Up Your Running Shoes on Vacation
The Real Reason to Tie Up Your Running Shoes While Traveling Finding time and energy to exercise while traveling is not an easy task. Sometimes your schedule is just packed a little too tight. And sometimes after a day when your schedule was packed too tight, the last thing you want to do in the […]
What Each Color Means in Feng Shui
Via Katie Rogers on Mind Boddy Green We’ve all experienced the profound difference a new shade of paint can make in a room. Or how a red dress makes us feel as opposed to a light blue one. This is not to be undervalued! Colors have meaning and express a certain energy, and our subconscious […]