Why Aren’t We Awesomer?
We change the angle with which we hold the camera.
Photographing Natural Forces | The Art + Science of Fabian Oefner
Ashoka The Great and Spreading Buddhism
In today’s selection — the first great unifier of large parts of the Indian subcontinent was Ashoka the Great (304-232 BCE), who converted to Buddhism after witnessing the bloody horrors of his own wars, and used the moderating influence of Buddhism to help unify the widely different peoples within in his realm. He sent missionaries […]
Art: Kickstarter and the NEA
“Indeed, people have been saying since last year that Kickstarter funds more art-related projects than the NEA. And it’s true! For 2012, the NEA had a total federal appropriation of $146 million, of which 80 percent went toward grants. Kickstarter funded roughly $323.6 million of art-related projects if you include all design and video-related projects, […]