11 Feb
South American Jam – Entre La Playa (music)
Heard this yesterday in Cartagena.
Andrea had a very special dance with some very close family and friends at her wedding. Her father passed away so her brother recored “butterfly kisses” and she danced with with all of them during her Father and Daughter dance. it was a truly touching moment not a dry eye in the house. Her dad, […]
“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” ~Teilhard de Chardin
Via Wandering Earl Earl shares with us some great ways to prosper and be able to support a life of travel. A few examples: It Starts With The Blog This blog is actually my main online project and as a result, the main source of my income these days. I work on my blog almost […]
Via Reddit and comababy
Great song. Favorite lines:
La luna nos vió
El mar nos cantó
Y en la arena
Perdimos el control…