Calming Relaxation Music

Music has a profound impact on our state of being — that’s why we post calming relaxation music for the Lucid Practice Community. Hope you enjoy this piece, Canon and Gigue composed by Johann Pachelbel in 1680.

Pachelbel composed over 500 pieces…. this is by far the most well known today. Pachelbel is famous for having taught Johann Christoph Bach (the uncle of the infamous Johann Sebastian Bach) to play the organ. Johann Christoph would go on to teach his nephew Johann Sebastian Bach, helping him to be one of the most acclaimed musicians of all time. We are all connected, indeed!

Pachelbel's hometown Nuremberg Germany Map

Pachelbel’s hometown of Nuremberg, Germany

As for Canon and Gigue, this piece consists of three violins, one cello, and eight bars of music repeated 28 times. Simple, elegant, beautiful and peaceful!

Enjoy 🙂