16 Jan

A Guide to the Chakras

Guide to the Chakras

Via Yoga Buzz

The Tantrik yogis understood that in order to experience a different life—one that feels more stable, more sublime, and more connected to others—we have to effect change from within. And one of the key ways to alter the inner reality is working with the chakras, the body’s energetic centers.

Chakra literally means “spinning wheel.”  According to the yogic view, chakras are a convergence of energy, thoughts/feelings, and the physical body. Our consciousness (mind) gets projected through these wheels, and this largely determines how we experience reality from our emotional reactions, our desires or aversions, our level of confidence or fear, even the manifestation of physical symptoms.

By working with these centers in yoga practice, we can begin to unravel any blocks that may prevent the unfolding into our highest potential.

Root Chakra (Muladhara) This center is found at the pelvic floor. It is our tap root and our connection to the Earth. It keeps us grounded into embodied reality, physically strong and secure. It holds our instinctual urges around food, sleep, sex, and survival. It is also the realm of our avoidances and fears.  Importantly muladhara holds our most powerful latent potential (Kundalini Shakti). Through yoga and meditation, we begin to breathe life into the sleeping power that sits in our root. Asanas such as Warrior stances, hip-openers, Chair Pose, deep lunges, and squats helps bring our awareness to this center.

Pelvic Chakra (Svadishthana)  This chakra is held in our sacrum. It is our water center, home of the reproductive organs and our desires. When our consciousness moves freely through this area, we access our potential for self-healing and sensual pleasure. When this chakra remains asleep to our consciousness, we may be ruled by our attachments. Similar to the root chakra, asanas such as forward bends, hip-openers, deep lunges, and squats helps us bring our awareness to this center.

Read on about the 5 other Chakras — HERE

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Transformation and the Chakras

Happiness, Meditation, Wellness, Yoga

Transformation and the Chakras

26 Jun

How to Beat the 3 PM Slump


“Coffee and tea are great in moderation, but overuse of them when we’re tired can backfire. I know I often hit that three p.m. wall of tired and it would be easy to grab a cup of yerba mate. Relying on caffeine to pick you up sets you up for interrupted sleep and higher levels of stress hormones like cortisol. If you’ve heard of cortisol in passing, you may have heard that it’s a stress hormone.  It’s helpful when we are in a crisis and need to get things done in a hurry. It hurts when we are secreting it all the time; our bodies are in permanent panic mode—who wants to live like that!”

“Instead: Have a glass of water, eat an apple, grab a few mints, go for a walk, laugh, have some protein, nap.”

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