9 Aug

Interesting Use of Kale

Lina, a friend from the Westport Community Gardens, grows kale and other vegetables for the sole purpose of donating it to the local homeless shelter. This is a beautiful, selfless act.

Any donation, I’m sure, is appreciated and useful. But donating something that takes time, energy, and love is amasing. Instead of donating a box of sugary cereal or a can of processed food, Lina donated organic, fresh, local leafy vegetables ~ one of the best things a human being can ingest.

Think of all the time spent tilling the soil, planting the seeds, composting, and watering…. all for the benefit of someone else, someone in need. Lina donated in an intentional, thoughtful, loving way.

Thank you Lina, for introducing us to this lucid practice.

0 comments Paz Romano
31 May

5/30 Quote: Maya Angelou

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”

~ Maya Angelou

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