28 Sep

First Honest Marijuana PSA

Andrew Sullivan posted this earlier this week. The war on drugs in America is an interesting topic to say the least.



0 comments blevine32
27 Sep

Musk, Branson, “star” in new Khan Academy classes

A big theme of this LP week has been learning. We have pushed our minds to learn more and more about “material.” It’s interesting trying to balance an Eckhart Tolle approach of Presence, and disconnecting our minds from a “physical, material” world, with “turning on” our minds and pushing ourselves to learn more of what we interpret to be knowledge.

Personally, I like to take in flow from around the world and be present about it. Not judge it, but just think about it, and maybe “learn” from it.

One of my favorite platforms I have “learned” on is Khan Academy. I was able to watch lots and lots of videos in Sal Khan’s finance and capital markets section. I felt like I walked away with a lot of material on finance, accounting, and trading. It was a cool experience.

I loved when I saw that Sal is moving away from a model of giving lessons himself, to a model of bringing in “star” people to teach lessons and learn from. I hope this continues. EdX is also in the process of mastering this model. They are scouring college universities to find the “best of the best” lectures on specific topics.

Our world will benefit from this. I like that we are going to have an opportunity on KhanAcademy and other platforms to learn about how people approach their lives, businesses, etc. With business as an example, small insights into the mind of some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurial thinkers can be invaluable to others building businesses today and into the future.

Enjoy the feature. For the third time this week we get to listen to Elon Musk.



0 comments blevine32
27 Sep

Yoga 101: What does Namaste Mean


This sanskrit word is regarded in different ways by different groups. I’ve heard it described as the normal way to say hello and goodbye to people in India. But in a less casual way, and how we intend for it to be used within yoga culture in the West, is like this, “The highest/most divine/light part of me honors and respects the highest/most divine/light part of you.” It is a gesture of respect to the practice of self-development and realization, including those people who teach us and remind us about our highest selves.

Via Nicki and TheBlackDogBlog

0 comments blevine32
26 Sep

Crowdfunding Is About to Go Bananas

Via Vice:

Although it’s still best known as the go-to cash source for indie bands, Zach Braff, and guys who want to build their own robots, crowdfunding took a big step into the mainstream this week, thanks to a new law that paves the way for entrepreneurs to take their fundraising requests straight to the masses.

The rule, which went into effect on Monday, allows startups to publicly solicit funding from potential investors, ending an 80-year ban that prevented companies from announcing when they were looking to raise money. Until this week, if you wanted money to build your own dating site or underwater done, you had to ask for it privately, in closed door meetings and emails with private investors. But under the new provision—part of the 2012 federal JOBS Act—anyone who needs funding for a business venture will be able to market private share offerings publicly, using social media, websites, newspaper ads, billboards, and whatever other means they have at their disposal.

The idea is to democratize capital, making investment more accessible to more people while also making fundraising easier for startups, which previously had to rely on clubby Silicon Valley connections to raise money.

Read more — here

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Chakra Hand Positions

Learning, Wellness, Yoga

Chakra Hand Positions

19 Sep

Forward Thinking: Jim Rogers on Working

We have highlighted Jim Rogers on LP before.

I believe he is one of the best voices in economics. He talks about supply and demand, and where sentiment is flowing. We have seen many of his “market calls” be correct over the years.

Today he stated:

“Scrap career plans for Wall Street or the City, London’s financial district, and study agriculture and mining instead. Power is shifting again from financial centers to the producers of real goods. The place to be is in commodities: raw materials and natural resources.”


0 comments blevine32
17 Sep

Where do college football players come from?

College FootballFor great data on where athletes are coming from, including college football per capita rates, check out FootballStudyHall 

0 comments blevine32
28 Aug

Why This Life+Changing Link Got 1,000,000+ Shares

50 Life Tips and Secrets

Ryan Calvert first shared this literature with Brian and Brian shared it with me.

Jordan’s 50 Life Tips and Secrets changed my life. I shared it with hundreds of my college friends and friends and family from home too.  The result was always overwhelmingly positive and often times “life changing.” I printed this and plastered it to my wall and asked everyone to read it when they came over. I printed out multiple copies and handed them out to people I didn’t even know.

Why was this shared with 1,000,000 people? Because it’s insanely great work. Powerful yet concise pieces that challenge assumptions and provide value are inherently shareable.

Jordan is a friend of ours and we respect and admire the path he’s taken in life. He’s an outstanding guy and a thought leader for the coming generation. Check out the link below and browse his website for inspiration and thought provoking content. Their mission is bold. And simply put: they’re changing the world.

Now, we’re sharing it with the Lucid Practice Community. Who will you share it with?

50 Life Tips and Secrets

1 comment Paz Romano