23 Dec

The Bhagavad Gita on Gift Giving

Krishna: “A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. But when it is given expecting something in return, or for the sake of a future reward or a specific type of sentiment in return, the gift is of Rajas (impurity). And a gift given to the wrong person, at the wrong time and the wrong place, or a gift which comes not from the heart, and is given with proud contempt, is a gift of darkness.”

The Gita, Chapter 17, Verses 20-22

I was drawn to these verses the first time I read the Gita. It made me think of holidays and days where we openly share gifts with family members. With Christmas on its way lets Hope to give from the heart and not to expect anything in return. When we expect, whether it be a positive or negative reaction we are letting our ego own us. I love what Krishna says, “A gift is pure when it is given from the heart.” If you love someone the quality or type of gift you give or receive really does not matter. In my humble opinion, the real gift is the time we get to spend together and the love (appreciation) we share for one another. 

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