9 Aug
The Economist: The Utility of Bad Art
Check out a link to a behavioral economics piece on the perception of art — here.
Three times a week at 7AM my Dad drives to a dance studio five blocks from the beach. In the bright, hardwood room, which sits above a Radioshack, a muscular man with a shaved head and board shorts whispers instructions in a mix of English and Sanskrit. My Dad, and the rest of the class […]
Compost Tea as a Fertilizer We experimented with our own version of compost tea this summer. It happened organically (haha 😉 ) when a tub of our compost (mostly banana & orange peels) started to form liquid nutrients at the bottom. Upon researching this topic, it turns out that compost tea is a well known […]
Strong vibes taking you into the weekend. Hakuna Matata