Lost Civilization in Cambodia
http://www.smh.com.au/photogallery/world/lost-civilization-in-cambodia-20130613-2o5v2.html?selectedImage=9 “Sydney University Professor Damien Evans is leading several teams of archaeologists to the discovery of an entire Ankor city in the Siem Reap region of Cambodia. Using new maps and LIDAR to discover previously unknown sites where previously only a few isolated temples were known to be. The holy plateau region known as Phnom […]
Amazing 4 Minute Video: A Taste of Vietnam
A Taste of Vietnam from The Perennial Plate on Vimeo.
6/11 Quote:
“Body is not stiff, mind is stiff.”- Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
10 Awesome Health Benefits Of Headstand
Sirsasana or headstand is one of my favorite postures, and has been for many years. There was a time when I would request a headstand on every class I went to whenever the instructor asked us what we wanted to work on. To this day, I practice headstand for at least 10 minutes, 6 days […]