Reading and English Majors
From Chronicle — The Ideal English Major: Real reading is reincarnation. There is no other way to put it. It is being born again into a higher form of consciousness than we ourselves possess. When we walk the streets of Manhattan with Walt Whitman or contemplate our hopes for eternity with Emily Dickinson, we are reborn […]
Danielle’s Autumn Spice Sweet Potato Broccoli Soup (Vegan Optional)
Autumn Spice Sweet Potato Broccoli Soup Vegan Optional Danielle and I made this Sweet Potato Broccoli Soup on Saturday night with fresh ingredients from our garden. It was delicious and full of vibrancy! Try it out this weekend for the perfect Autumn soup. 🙂 Sweet Potato Broccoli Soup Recipe (Vegan Optional) Ingredients: 5 Small/Medium Sweet […]
9/19 Art: Imaginary Foundation T-Shirt by Mimm
Beautiful Reflections on Mother’s Day (Short Video)
Sarah Kay’s video, “If I Should Have a Daughter” is a beautiful testament to the relationship between a mother and child, stressing the importance of truly experiencing life. As Sarah says, “Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.” Sarah is an […]