Via Reddit and rprakash1782
“Heaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Attachment isn’t Love
Buddha stated attachment to loved ones and material things are causing us to suffer. When some people hear this they say things like, ‘so I can’t love my family, friends or children?’ This is because they are getting attachment and love confused. They are not the same thing. Of course we should love and have […]
11/12 Art: Ai Wei Wei’s The Fountainheads
Ai Wei Wei’s bronze representations of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac Currently on display at The Cleveland Museum of Art
Move Your DNA Book Review: 10 Key Takeaways
Move Your DNA Book Review In this Move Your DNA book review, I will summarize Katy Bowman’s profound book. My hope is that this Move Your DNA book review serves as a cogent introduction to the unorthodox, highly valuable work of Katy Bowman. Move Your DNA was recommended to me by Danielle after she listened to a […]