Kaffe Fassett (born 1937) is an American-born artist who is best known for his colorful designs in the decorative arts—needlepoint,patchwork, knitting, painting and ceramics. “Color is his very medium, whatever the substance he uses.”
Affective Prayer by Ronald Rolheiser
One of the classic definitions of prayer tells us that prayer is raising mind and heart to God. In essence, that says it all. The problem is that often we raise our minds but not our hearts. Our prayer tends to be intellectual but not affective and we tend to think of prayer more as […]
What is Ahimsa?
What is Ahimsa? How Can One Practice Ahimsa? This post is all about answering the question, “What is Ahimsa?” In a previous post, we explained that Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras specified 8 limbs of yoga with the first limb being the yamas. Within the yamas, there are 5 different principles. The principle we will focus on […]
Entheos: Necessities for Comfort & Happiness
“But Joseph Hume was not a man to enjoy the fruits of his industry in idleness. Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” ~ Samuel Smiles from Self-Help I just love this: “Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” For some wacky reason we seem to have this idea that […]
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.
~ Spencer Johnson