Via Padoon
The Top 10 Yoga Music Artists
Many students have a hard time finding their own “yoga music” to enjoy at home. So, Do You Yoga compiled a list of amazing spiritual and yoga based music for you to practice to. I’m not sure why Krishna Das (one of our favorites!) is not on the list but this is great nonetheless! 1) […]
6 Breathing Exercise To Relax In 10 Minutes Or Less
Over-worked, under-slept, and feeling the pressure like whoa? There are plenty of ways to find calm — without investing in a four-hand spa massage. Turns out, all we need is a pair of healthy(ish) lungs, our breath, and 10 minutes or less. Here are six expert-approved ways to relax using breathing techniques borrowed from yoga, meditation, and even the therapist’s […]
How to Actually Stick to Your Goals This Year inf_contact_key=7681a092fda4e7f1d8c1b1d71cc19d2e5ca671f0e557862e1cfd5d6c46e146b2 “Performance and appearance goals are great, but they aren’t the same as habits. If you’re already doing a behavior, then these types of goals can help drive you forward. But if you’re trying to start a new behavior, then I think it would be far better to start with an identity–based goal. Changing […]
7 Physical & Mental Benefits of Cold Showers
7 Physical & Mental Benefits of Cold Showers What are the key benefits of cold showers? Cold showers are incredible. By taking cold showers, you can improve your physical and mental health listed below. Updated 8/9/2015 1. Increased Tolerance to Stress Exposure to cold water gives your body a higher tolerance to stress by purposely […]