
Woman on A Terrace, Henri Matisse, 1906-1907


6/27 Art: Matisse

27 Jun

Singapore and Where to Live?


“Singapore is doing a good job. Income taxes are low, incentives to save are high, savings rates are high, and they do their best to attract capital and labor. There is a bit of a backlash now, with some of the problems immigrants are bringing here, but that has happened to all nations at some point in history. Overall, Singapore is doing well. Singapore is becoming the new Switzerland as its sits right next to China and has been helped by problems with offshore havens like Switzerland and Cyprus. It will be the fastest growing money center in the next 10 years.”

-Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers was a farm hand from Demopolis, Alabama. He went on to study history at Yale and PPE (political Science, philosophy, and economics) at Oxford. Rogers then moved to New York and co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros.

After a successful career, he realized that making money was not his main goal. He retired at age 37 to take a trip around the world on his motorcycle. He wrote about the trip in his book Investment Biker (a good read).

Today, after traveling basically everywhere (3 trips around the world, the last one in 2000 lasted over 3 years) and understanding many of the worlds cultures and markets, he is one of the most trusted minds in investing.

I posted this quote on Lucid Practice to ponder the question, “Where is the best place in the world to live?” Jim was from the US but realized that incentives to live here, especially economic incentives, are low.

Globalization and The Global Mind (the internet) has made living anywhere in the world possible for anyone. Jim moved his family to Singapore because as he says, “If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia.”

So my questions to you are: Where is the best place to live right now? Culturally? Economically? What country has the nicest people? Smartest people? People most in touch with Faith?

0 comments blevine32
27 Jun

6/27 Quote: Mark Twain

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly, be that kind of a friend for your friends.”

~Mark Twain

0 comments blevine32

The Opening Prayer is a blessing of gratitude offered to the lineage of teachers and their students who have enabled this ancient practice to survive through thousands of years so that we can experience its benefits today. The recitation of this mantra cleanses the energy of the space we have chosen to practice yoga, as well as preparing the mind, body and emotions for the forthcoming Ashtanga sequence.

Vande Gurunam Charanaravinde
Sandarshita Svatma Sukava Bodhe
Nih Sreyase Jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai

Abahu Purushakaram
Shankhacakrsi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami Patanjalim



I bow to the lotus feet of the Gurus
The awakening happiness of one’s own Self revealed,
Beyond better, acting like the Jungle physician
Pacifying delusion, the poisonous of Samsara (conditioned existence).

Taking the form of a man to the shoulders,
holding a conch shell (divine sound), a wheel (discus of light or infinite time) and a sword (discrimination).

One thousand heads white,

To Patanjali, I salute.




6/26 Destination: Banff, Alberta, Canada


winslow homer2

The Reaper, Winslow Homer, 1878


6/26 Art: Winslow Homer

26 Jun

I Need God and Love

Everyday someone or something tells me “you need this” or “you need that.” I am guilty of getting caught up looking at flashy possessions thinking, “Wow, wouldn’t it be nice.”

Deep inside I know. I have been blessed enough to travel parts of this world. I know that almost half of the world lives off less than $2.50 a day. I know that thousands do not have what I “need.” If a doctor from Bangladesh doesn’t have that fancy tablet, why do I “need it?” Do I have an ego? He’s the one saving lives.

I know that material desires take away desire for Love. They take away a desire to meet and understand Him.

Looking back on life, I don’t remember many of the possessions. Granted some events I attended were great to attend. Some of the “things” were great to own. What I really remember is time spent with family and friends. The people that surrounded those events and possessions. Whether it was holidays, athletic games, chillin around the house, or chillin at school, my mind remembers Love.


0 comments blevine32
26 Jun

6/26 Quote: Anonymous

“On your last breath will you regret what you didn’t do versus what you did?”

0 comments blevine32