How to Actually Stick to Your Goals This Year
http://jamesclear.com/identity-based-habits inf_contact_key=7681a092fda4e7f1d8c1b1d71cc19d2e5ca671f0e557862e1cfd5d6c46e146b2 “Performance and appearance goals are great, but they aren’t the same as habits. If you’re already doing a behavior, then these types of goals can help drive you forward. But if you’re trying to start a new behavior, then I think it would be far better to start with an identity–based goal. Changing […]
12/4 Destination: Mykonos, Greece
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The Bhagavad Gita on Gift Giving
Krishna: “A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. But when it is given expecting something in return, or for the sake of a future reward or a specific type of sentiment in return, […]
How to Find your Passion – It’s Not Where You Think!
A piece of advice we often hear when it comes to being successful is to “follow our passion.” But before you can follow your passion, you have to find it. So where do you look for it? You may have sought out clues to your passion in things like personality inventories, self-help books or career […]