Life’s most urgent question is, what are you doing for others?
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
You Are Beautiful
http://youtu.be/iYhCn0jf46U Cheers to Tim Piper for making this short but powerful piece on the manufactured “beauty” that people are programmed to strive for. Young girls see images on billboards and in commercials and they’re programmed into thinking, “Her photo is on a billboard. She’s in a commercial. People must think she’s beautiful, I want to […]
12/7 Destination: United Earth
5 Ways Classical Music Can Change Your Life
Sound is energy. Music changes us. We respond to the sound waves and vibrations of music. Music can uplift us and give us positive energy — if we listen to the right kind. “Classical music is boring.” Is that what you’re thinking? Up until two years ago, I would have agreed with you. In this […]