Disconnecting, to Connect
Via Nunodonato on Reddit: “6 months ago (time flies!) I closed my Facebook account. I feared I’d miss important things. I never used it a lot, but liked to share interesting stuff and also to read the posts of a few people. Honestly speaking, I never imagined it would be that easy. Since the day […]
5 Reasons for Yogic Breathing
Yoga is a science and breathing is a respiratory function essential for us to survive. When you combine the two, yoga and breathing, you reap amazing health benefits. Yogic breathing improves respiratory function, it cleanses the organs from toxins, increases blood circulation, and revitalizes the mind helping in decision making. Fitness Republic describes 5 great […]
How Living Abroad Can Be Great For Your Business
Throughout our time building the Lucid Practice Community, we’ve met some incredible people. Dave Schneider is one of those people. After graduating from Harvard, Dave could have done basically anything. Instead of going the traditional route, Dave decided to travel the world with his girlfriend and inspire others to do the same. Dave’s site, A […]