9/15 Quote: Teilhard de Chardin
“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” ~Teilhard de Chardin
“Passions are like breadcrumbs leading you onto the path of discovering your destiny.”
5 Reasons to Soak Nuts and Seeds Before Eating Have you ever felt like the nuts you were eating were rock hard and tough to chew? If so, it’s likely that you’re eating nuts that your digestive system cannot break down. Nuts and seeds have natural defense mechanisms (to fend off predators such as squirrels, […]
Via Imgur
1) YOU DON’T HAVE TO DRINK PLAIN WATER TO HYDRATE. Oatmeal is 84% water, low-fat milk is 90 percent water, coffee is 99.5% water, lettuce is 96% water, tomatoes are 95% water, broccoli is 89% water, low fat vanilla yogurt is 79% water, ice cream is 60% water. 2) Thirst pains are real. Yes, we […]