“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
~William Shakespeare
Meditation made easy: How to achieve serenity at dinner in minutes
Madonna Gaulding, author of The Meditation Bible, gives you a beginner’s guide to easy serenity: BENEFITS: Eating slowly and mindfully increases the pleasure you will get from your food. Not only will you taste more, but by eating consciously, you will be more likely to choose to eat healthier foods. TO START: Make yourself a […]
Pick three in the new year
If I could suggest just one thing you could do that would transform how 2014 goes for you, it would be this: Select three colleagues, bosses, investors, employees, co-conspirators or family members that have an influence over how you do your work. Choose people who care about you and what you produce. Identify three books […]
What is Iyengar Yoga?
DoYouYoga is killin’ it right now. If you do not read it, I highly suggest it. We continue to post and learn a lot from that site. What is the purpose of Iyengar Yoga? The purpose of Iyengar Yoga is to increase health. It is strictly alignment-based and instructors focus on getting the pose just right. Iyengar is […]