Mindfulness and Smartphones
Via Big Think: What’s the Latest Development? Researchers at Harvard Business School have found that small mobile devices which close off your posture to the world also close your attention, weakening your ability to engage the world around you. In an experiment, “researchers paid 75 participants to use one of a range of devices–iPod Touch […]
Coming soon: World’s first ‘invisible’ tower
A bit old in the news, but I thought this was a really interesting piece of art that is still in the developmental phase. From CNN: For architecture buffs numbed by the ongoing global battle to crank out record-breaking tall buildings, here’s something innovative to spark the imagination. The South Korean government has granted approval […]
The Mindfulness Revolution: How Mindfulness Meditation Is Transforming Our Society
Charles A. Francis does a great job talking about the mindfulness movement that is spreading by the day. We see the practice of mindful meditation transforming our society whether that is in the next few years or the next 100 years. At some point, a major emphasis will be placed by schools, governments, and educational institutions […]