Author Archives: blevine32
Gardening: Get your cold frame ready
It’s that time of the year to start thinking about using your cold frame. Last week, with the help of my students, we assembled my larger cold frame by placing it on top of an existing raised bed. The 4’x 8’ structure is covered with double plated glass, and insulated with 2” Styrofoam, which protects my tender vegetation even when the temperature dips into the single digits. Be cautious not to use old windows with lead paint.
My other 3 smaller cold frames are against the foundation on the south facing wall and covered with heavy, clear glass or Plexiglas.
Protect your crops; don’t wait too long,
Daily Inspiration: Acceptance
“Acceptance, done with any kind of hope, motive, expectation or goal, is not real acceptance – it is rejection in disguise, an attempt to escape the moment. True acceptance is a thrillingly fearless naked plunge into the unknown, a total alignment with all the creative energies of life itself, and an emergence into the vastness of the moment. There are no promises, for acceptance is timeless.”
~Jeff Foster
Via PeaceLoveYoga
7 travel scams that you should know
If you’ve traveled at all, chances are you’ve either fallen for a travel scam, or have had someone try to pull one on you. Going on a vacation or traveling shouldn’t be a scary experience. If you know about the scams that are out there, you should be able to avoid them. Here are seven tricky travel scams that you should know about before you take that trip.
2. Wi-Fi Scams
When you travel, be very careful before hooking up to just any hotspot. Especially, be very careful of ones that say “free wi-fi.” You can actually be connecting directly to a hacker’s computer without even knowing it. The hacker will be able to see your passwords, financial information and anything else that is stored on your computer. Always look at a description of the network that you are connecting to. If it says “computer to computer” rather than “wireless network”, than you are connecting to someone else’s computer and not to a real network. Also, make sure you turn file sharing off on your computer if you aren’t connecting to a secured network. Avoid identity theft and pay attention to what you are connecting to.
To read about six other travel scams click — here
Via Eye and Pen
Image via Google Commons
“Love is the master key which opens the gates of happiness.”
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
11/2 Art: Modern House Boat, Berlin, Germany
This modern houseboat is available for rent in Berlin, Germany.
Check out more pictures and information — here.
Via Treehugger