17 Oct

“The soul of success is surrendering to what is.”

0 comments blevine32
17 Oct

Meaningful Silence

When we examine our mind, we often find that it is busy, restless, and even agitated. However, like the ocean which can be very turbulent on the surface yet still and quiet in its depths, underneath all the stress, our mind is very peaceful and tranquil. When these peaceful states arise we naturally experience increased powers of concentration and a deep feeling of inner happiness.

Via Mahakankala Buddhist Center

0 comments blevine32

Touched By Magic

Touched by Magic by Gill Bustamante 

Daily Art

10/16 Art: Touched by Magic


Aerial View of Amsterdam

Via Reddit



10/16 Destination: Aerial View of Amsterdam


Princess Louisa Inlet British Columbia

Via Imgur



Princess Louisa Inlet, British Columbia

16 Oct

Poetry Corner: Outwitted by Edwin Markham

Outwitted By Edwin Markham

He drew the circle that shut me out —

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle that took him in.


I am just finishing up Phil Jackson’s book, Eleven Rings. It’s a great book and I’ve learned a lot about leadership and life — not just basketball.

power of inclusion

Image courtesy: Chicago Tonight

Outwitted is one of Phil’s favorite poems on the power of inclusion.

As a leader he wanted everyone in the room to have input on the discussions surrounding his teams — coaches and players alike. He believed it stimulated creativity and set a tone of family. He said it was even more important that the players who did not play have a voice. They would then feel involved and excited about the team.

This poem has simple yet powerful message. Have an open heart and go beyond all differences to accept everyone. To the first person in the poem, ideology is most important. To the second person, love is all there is.

What are your thoughts on this philosophy?


0 comments blevine32
16 Oct

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” – Mother Theresa

0 comments blevine32

Eye of the tiger

Daily Art

10/15 Art: Eye of the Tiger
