Rock on Top


9/20 Art: Rock on Top of Another Rock, Serpentine Gallery

20 Sep

When your meditation practice doesn’t seem to be going anywhere…

Via Wildmind Buddhist Meditation:

I often hear from people who are worried because their meditation practice doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. I think it’s good to be aware of the different ways that change happens when we meditate since your practice hitting a plateau may not be a problem, but just part of a natural process.

Read more — here.

0 comments blevine32
20 Sep

18 Unique Hotels From Around the World



The World Geography shows us 18 unique hotels from around the globe. Check it out — here.

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19 Sep

9/19 Art: Imaginary Foundation T-Shirt by Mimm

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19 Sep

Forward Thinking: Jim Rogers on Working

We have highlighted Jim Rogers on LP before.

I believe he is one of the best voices in economics. He talks about supply and demand, and where sentiment is flowing. We have seen many of his “market calls” be correct over the years.

Today he stated:

“Scrap career plans for Wall Street or the City, London’s financial district, and study agriculture and mining instead. Power is shifting again from financial centers to the producers of real goods. The place to be is in commodities: raw materials and natural resources.”


0 comments blevine32
19 Sep

Half Moon Yoga: The Power of Mantra

Originally Posted on Half Moon Yoga

Generally in the western world we consider a mantra something that we repeat over and over again to empower us, something like ‘I am strong’. But the real power of mantra lays beyond the meaning of the words themselves. A mantra can be repeated either over and over again in our head ( especially during meditation) or can be sung ( check out the beautiful Deva Premal) or in Kirtan,( the yoga of chanting where a leader will sing the first line and the followers will repeat the line). Mantra is sound energy. The power of them lay not in the meaning of the Sanskrit language but in the energy of their vibrational tones. Mantra could be referred to as the medicine of sound as it is known to have healing effects on the body and mind.

Our body is made of cells and water. The vibration of the sound enters our body and causes the cells to vibrate. This has a re-organising or unifying effect on our cells. It has been known that mantra can cure depression, anxiety, bring us joy or peace without even knowing what you are listening to. The mere act of listening seems to have a healing effect. When we listen to mantra we are unifying the parts of us that are split in our body and mind and through this we can find some peace.

The Gayatri Mantri is one of the oldest known mantra. It was said to appear at the creation of the universe. The fire and energy that produced the earth was said to produce the oldest known scriptures of Hinduism known as Vedic texts and also the sounds of the mantra was born. Today it is sung and chanted throughout the world.

The Gayatri is a prayer to the sun and therefore it is said to illuminate or light our way. More precisely it removes the obstacles in our way to gaining wisdom. The mantra purifies us. In very basic but beautiful language, it says “May the divine light of the Supreme Being illuminate our intellect, to lead us along a path of righteousness”.


0 comments blevine32

Mount Cook New Zealand


9/18 Destination: Mount Cook, New Zealand
