The Barefoot Artist
“Broken places are my canvases.” ~ Lily Yeh
Korean artist group Shinseungback Kimyonghun made a video of every time they clicked their mouse. It’s mesmerizing. Via Kottke
“For example, many normal people tell certain kinds of lies from time to time in order to appear more important, more special, and to enhance their image in the mind of others: who they know, what their achievements, abilities, and possessions are, and whatever else the ego uses to identify with. Some people, however, driven […]
Our hostel has awesome views of the city from a top floor lobby/balcony.
Traveling Ratankiri Cambodia was amazing! As many of you know, I was recently in Cambodia teaching English, studying the Khmer language, working with NGOs, and traveling around the beautiful country. We made a trip to Ratankiri, a small province (even for Cambodian standards) of less than 100,000 inhabitants, felt so different from Siem Reap. The population and commerce […]