Move Your DNA Book Review: 10 Key Takeaways
Move Your DNA Book Review In this Move Your DNA book review, I will summarize Katy Bowman’s profound book. My hope is that this Move Your DNA book review serves as a cogent introduction to the unorthodox, highly valuable work of Katy Bowman. Move Your DNA was recommended to me by Danielle after she listened to a […]
15 Ways Yoga Transforms the Body
Via DailyCupofYoga and The Huffington Post
California Time-Lapse
California dreaming. Hakuna Matata
The 7 Best Foods to Boost Your Memory
http://www.mindbodygreen.com/1-10009-7/the-7-best-foods-to-boost-your-memory.html Lisa Guy believes walnuts, coconut oil, eggs, green tea, rosemary, oily fish, and berries are 7 of the best foods to help boost your memory. Jump to the article for more info on each selection.