Flowers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Photo of beautiful flowers I recently took shots of in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Hope you enjoy 🙂
http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-9396/your-definitive-guide-to-fiber.html “Quite simply, fiber is plant roughage — the part of veggies, fruits, beans, grains, nuts and seeds that resists digestion.” “Fiber helps clean out your digestive system and get rid of things (namely extra hormones, cholesterol, toxins and waste) that shouldn’t be there.” “The recommended intake for disease prevention is 14 grams of fiber for […]
Imagine a website where you could listen to your favorite artists for free all day without being bombarded with advertisements and without your personal data being collected. It’s here: Listen to your favorite artists, for free with www.neverendingplaylist.com This is ideal when you want to practice yoga to one of your favorite musicians but don’t […]
Lucid Practice Quarterly Transparency Income Report October~December 2013 2013 has come and gone and Lucid Practice has made awesome strides. We started with an idea back in April of 2013 — we had been inspired for years by different websites and social media handles/users and we knew we could add even more positive energy to […]