Via Erica Mather and Yoganonymous
8/7 Destination: Inle Lake, Myanmar Motion Timelapse 2013 Showreel
Study: Yoga Helps Incarcerated
One of the greatest benefits of yoga practice is that it trains us to stay calm when emotions and physical sensations get intense. This type of training not only allows our negative emotions to pass more quickly, but it encourages us not to impulsively act out from a place of anger, fear, or hostility. So, […]
How to Find your Passion – It’s Not Where You Think!
A piece of advice we often hear when it comes to being successful is to “follow our passion.” But before you can follow your passion, you have to find it. So where do you look for it? You may have sought out clues to your passion in things like personality inventories, self-help books or career […]