Ohio State Football Stadium Time Lapse GIF
For the full video from stadium prep to game finish (1 minute, 20 seconds) click — here.
Via Bob Campbell and Mustard Seeds In February of 1995 I visited Honduras which is located in the Caribbean Sea. Leaving the group I walked through the streets of poverty and disease wondering what life would be like if I were to live there. After purchasing something in a store I stood holding my change […]
Via Imgur
Robert “Nesta” Marley: Corrine Bailey Rae: Allen Stone: Some dope beats to start the practice today. It is all love…..!
This isn’t a debate on global warming, instead it is a discussion about creating products that lead to more conscious, connected consumers. “During the past 60 years, humans have stripped the world of a quarter of its topsoil and a third of its forest cover. In total, one third of the planet’s resources have been […]