Patagonia’s ‘Buy Less’ Plea
“It’s been almost two years since Patagonia began urging its outdoorsy customers to buy less—to sit out “Cyber Monday” and ask themselves: Do I really need a new fleece jacket or, for that matter, a state-of-the-art, 1,000-fill, dry-clean-only $700 parka and all the carbon burning that comes with it?” In an interesting article Bloomberg Online […]
Check out more pictures of Julian and his huge dog, a five-year-old Newfoundland named Max — here.
An Ode To Lazy Summers
To my great regret, I no longer know how to be lazy, and summer is no fun without sloth. Indolence requires patience—to lie in the sun, for instance, day after day—and I have none left. When I could, it was bliss. I lived liked the old Greeks, who knew nothing of hours, minutes, and seconds. […]
A Story For Tomorrow.
a story for tomorrow. from gnarly bay on Vimeo.