Our hostel has awesome views of the city from a top floor lobby/balcony.
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50 Places Every Music Lover Should Visit
The Stone Pony, Ashbury Park, New Jersey, USA — One of Bruce Springsteens’s origional jam bars. Young Street Bridge- Aberdeen, Wasington, USA — “the very bridge under which Cobain reputedly once slept, the one about which he wrote “Something in the Way.”” Check out more of the locations from Flavorwire —– here.
Finding Your Flow: 6 Steps for a New Morning Routine
Find Your Flow: Suggestions for a new morning routine People talk a lot about “flow.” Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi proposed the concept decades ago—a state of mind achieved when you’re fully immersed in a project or task—but the basic tenants of flow date back to the teachings of Taoism and Buddhism. As the Buddha tells us, “Do not dwell […]
What is Svadhyaya? Words from our teacher inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sadhana Pada, Sutra 43
What is Svadhyaya? Words from our teacher inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sadhana Pada, Sutra 43 This article was inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sadhana Pada, Sutra 43: Svadhyayat istadevata samprayogah (Translated) Self-study leads towards the realisation of God or communion with ones desired deity. Quite regularly I ask myself questions, […]
Railay Beach Thailand – Average Daily Cost $29/Day
Railay Beach, Krabi, Thailand – Average Daily Cost $29 Per Day We had heard great things about the small west coast Thai beach called Railay Beach. Our friend Jason whom we respect in many aspects of life — especially Thai travel — recommended insisted that we check out Railay Beach. We decided to move north from […]
Sweet views. Which hostel did you stay at?