Our hostel has awesome views of the city from a top floor lobby/balcony.
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99 Life Hacks
Some of these might help some of us while we travel. Enjoy 98 other life-hacks — here.
Natural Insomnia Cure: Beautiful Song for Yoga, Meditation, and Relaxation
This song may serve as a cure to restlessness and insomnia. This beautiful song, Angel’s Prayer, by Ty Burhoe is great for meditation, yoga, relaxation. I enjoy listening to this song during restorative yoga and recommend it to anyone who has problems falling asleep at night. Enjoy 🙂
10/9 Destination: Northern Armenia
For more on jakethreadgould‘s collection of portrait and street photography taken on his recent trip around Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Iraqi Kurdistan click — Travel.
Finding More on the Mat — A Book Review by Kate Bartolotta
“So who do I have to kill to get some Grace around here?” When Michelle asked if I wanted to read and review her book, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. There are plenty of yoga “memoirs” out there that seem to be little more than self-congratulatory storytelling and recycled pseudo-spiritual platitudes. But I […]
Sweet views. Which hostel did you stay at?