10 Aug
What are the most mindblowing recent advancements people still don’t know about?
Check out this reddit stream — here.
Serendipitously meeting people and connecting is one of the best parts of traveling. Tonight I met an interesting woman who is passionate about her job at the airport. She gets to check people in and help them with their bags. I met her after my flight as she handed me my carry on bag which […]
Danielle practicing Urdhva Dhanurasana ( Wheel Pose ) at sunset in Thailand.
The hand might look like an X-ray from the doctor’s office, but it is actually a cloud of material ejected from a star that exploded. NASA’s NuSTAR spacecraft has imaged the structure in high-energy X-rays for the first time, shown in blue. Lower-energy X-ray light previously detected by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory is shown in […]