Why Travel?
We have touched on this topic a lot on Lucid Practice. In my opinion, this opinion-based judgement never gets old. Tynan, gives his response on “What’s the point of traveling.“ I began really traveling due to panic, which may not have been the best reason to go. I had always thought of myself as the […]
Hummus Is Conquering America
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323798104578453174022015956.html?mod=WSJ_hp_mostpop_read Sabra and others are tackling the growing demand for hummus.
Great Teachers Learn With Their Students
A small victory on the second day of school this year still has me smiling. It was something very simple, a small bit of knowledge that I had just learned and thought my students already knew. However, when I told my high school students that typing the letter d before someone’s Twitter handle would send […]
A Guide to Hiking Volcan Baru
Hiking Volcan Baru in Boquete, Panama Total cost – $13 USD Hiking Volcan Baru is an experience that Brian and I will never forget. At 3,475 meters (11,400 feet), the Baru Volcano is the highest point in all of Panama. If you want to experience the rare sensation of viewing both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea from far […]